James McKeighan
Instructor # 3023707 | RealSPEC California
Certified with the USCCA since 11/13/2022
Certification Renewal Date 11/13/2025
USCCA Certifications
- Concealed Carry & Home Defense
- Women's Handgun & Self-Defense
- Countering the Mass Shooter
- Emergency & First Aid
My Biography
USCCA Instructor CRPA Master Trainer CA DOJ FSC Instructor CA DOJ CCW Instructor NRA Instructor - Basic Pistol, Basic Rifle, Basic Shotgun, Metallic Cartridge Reloading, Personal protection In The Home, Personal Protection Outside The home, NRA CCW, Blackpowder BSIS Security Guard, Chemical Agent, Baton Glock Armorer NRA Chief Range Safety Officer