Gina Vertucci

Instructor # 2575212 | Forza Defense Training

Orange , CA, 92856


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My Biography

My firearms journey began as a young child inspired by my dad and grandfather who were collectors and enthusiasts. I went on to marry a police officer with Station 42 and many of our dates occurred at the range. Given my enthusiasm and aptitude, I decided to seek training and pursue my CCW. Shortly after, I started Belle Stars, a gun club for women and became an NRA credentialed Firearms Instructor. Through my passion for teaching and competitive shooting, I created a fun, safe training environment for both men and women and developed a program unique to the firearms community. Empowering fellow marksmen and instruction in safety and skill are my hallmark and students return to be immersed in the camaraderie and growth that is part of the society we create at Forza Defense. I have a strong team of qualified and credentialed women and men who carry out the uniqueness we represent in our second amendment community. I am proud of my team and my students and welcome you with open arms.


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6 Reviews

What Students Are Saying

  • Rating star largeRating star largeRating star largeRating star largeRating star large

    Class taken on Sat, Jul. 8, 2023
    |Taught by

    "Both Gina and Laurie were awesome!!!"

    Submitted on Sun, Jul. 9, 2023 by Steve B.

  • Rating star largeRating star largeRating star largeRating star largeRating star large

    Class taken on Sat, Feb. 11, 2023
    |Taught by

    Submitted on Sun, Feb. 12, 2023 by James V.

    "Thank you James! It was our pleasure!"

    Submitted on Thur, Feb. 16, 2023

  • Rating star largeRating star largeRating star largeRating star largeRating star large

    Class taken on Sat, Feb. 11, 2023
    |Taught by

    "Very professional, informative and thorough."

    Submitted on Sun, Feb. 12, 2023 by Jon L.

    "Thank you Jon! We appreciate you and your feedback!"

    Submitted on Thur, Feb. 16, 2023