Your First Line of Defense is YOU

Concealed Carry &
Home Defense Fundamentals

Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals has a lot to offer new and experienced gun owners alike. This class will provide you with a deeper level of understanding when it comes to being your family’s first line of defense.

Your Protector Journey Begins With The USCCA

“It’s about making it home safe every night and being safe while in our homes.”

– Michael Martin, Author, Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals (2020)

Are you considering a concealed carry permit for personal defense? Maybe you’re a permit holder looking for a refresher course. Or, like many other Americans, you want to learn more about firearms before buying one to protect yourself or your loved ones.

This course teaches:

  • Handgun basics and shooting fundamentals
  • Understanding how to avoid conflict and awareness of your surroundings
  • The psychology of violent encounters
  • The legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath)
  • Home security and home defense
  • Includes a gear and gadget guide that can help students concealed carry more effectively.

You will walk away from this class equipped with the knowledge and confidence you need to own and carry a concealed firearm.

What You Will Learn


If you choose to own or carry a firearm, you drastically increase your level of responsibility. This course will equip you with the knowledge and understanding that you need in order to carry confidently and safely.


How would you react in a self-defense situation? Are you aware of your body’s natural physical and psychological responses? Planning for these realistic situations will give you the upper hand when the potential for a violent attack becomes real.


It is important to understand the legal consequences of using your firearm. You will learn how to properly de-escalate a situation, and what to do in the aftermath when the use of deadly force is the only option to keep you and your loved ones safe.

Topics Covered in Concealed Carry
and Home Defense Fundamentals


The very first concept taught in this course is the four universal safety rules of firearms. From there, you’ll learn important fundamentals like the procedures involved in properly clearing semi-automatic handguns and revolvers, different types of firearm platforms such as shotguns and AR’s, non-lethal defense weapons like tasers and pepper spray, the intricacies of revolvers, and additional safety considerations to be be aware of should the worst happen.

Concealed Carry

CCHDF classes not only educate students on concealed carry, firearms basics, and self-defense, but also go beyond what’s legally required to obtain a concealed carry permit. Since each state’s concealed carry permit requirements differ, we always encourage members and non-members to contact us for details.

Build a Home
Protection Plan

For many, the home is mistakenly considered an impenetrable fortress where guards can be let down and an awareness of surroundings is no longer necessary, but that is simply not the case. This class teaches you the importance of situational awareness through the color codes of awareness, how conflict avoidance benefits you at home, and how vital it is to be proactive versus the risks of living reactively.

Class Search

Knowing the Law Can Save Your Life

The Legal Use of Force

Every state in the U.S. has definitions, statues, and case law defining when civilians may legally use force to protect themselves, their families, and their homes. Whenever any level of force has been used, a prosecutor may second guess your decision, and it’s up to a jury of your peers to decide if your actions were reasonable.

Reasonable Force Vs. Deadly Force

Your actions during a self-defense incident will be scrutinized, so the best way to protect yourself is to know what is legally required when defending yourself with a firearm. For instance, are you aware of the differences between reasonable force and deadly force? These are just two of the lenses your actions will be viewed through.

Use of Force Continuum

In many situations, use of force can be murky at best, so understanding the legal consequences of each action is imperative. From exposing your firearm to pulling the trigger, each decision you make will fall somewhere along the continuum that determines what’s reasonable, and what’s excessive.

Defending Property

What’s the best course of action you could take to defend your home? How about property such as vehicles, livestock, or pets? Depending on your state’s laws, there may be more than one way to legally defend your property, however, defending your property may not always be the correct choice, legally speaking.

More Ways to Learn

Concealed Carry &
Home Defense Fundamentals Book

Online Learning