USCCA Firearms & Self-Defense Blog
Be prepared with a variety of concealed carry and firearms tips and tactics that can help keep you and your family safe both inside and outside of your home. Find helpful articles and videos, including the Into the Fray training series, that cover everything from situational awareness and conflict avoidance to cover vs. concealment and the use of force in a critical encounter.
Recent Self-Defense Articles
When Firearms Training Falls (Terribly) Short
At the USCCA, many of us are long-time firearms and carry instructors ourselves, so we are always curious about what sort of instruction is being provided “out there” in the community. And[…]
Continue Reading →A Midday Encounter: Analyzing Decisions After Close Call
»ABOUT A MONTH AGO, something happened that still bothers me greatly. It was midday during the middle of the week in our middle-class, well-maintained residential subdivision in relatively safe Boise,[…]
Continue Reading →Situational Awareness is NOT “Preemptive Victim Blaming”
When it comes to avoiding potentially dangerous encounters or escaping life-threatening situations, we try to focus on things like staying alert, practicing good situational awareness, and using Jeff […]
Continue Reading →Use Your Cover Effectively
Don’t crowd your cover. When bullets start flying, people often try to get as close to cover as possible. That is not the best plan. It is best to stay back at least 3 feet from your cover. You […]
Continue Reading →What Does It Mean to be a “Responsibly Armed” American?
We use the term “responsibly armed” American quite often around the USCCA, but have you ever thought what that term really means? Think about it for a minute. The word “responsibly&#[…]
Continue Reading →If You’re Standing Still, You’re Moving Backwards
One year, when I was getting ready for our high school basketball season to begin, I remember looking around and noticing that all the players were sporting the same kind of basketball shoes. Beyond t[…]
Continue Reading →Responding to a Verbal Challenge
A viewer asked what he should do if someone was catcalling or being rude to his wife. The right answer is: Keep on walking. Rudeness is not a reason to pull your gun. Not ever. If you are faced with c[…]
Continue Reading →In Your Hotel Room
“A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho,” Jesus said, “when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead.” (New[…]
Continue Reading →What is the Most Important Element of Training?
As I write this column, the rest of the video team is finishing up the latest edition of the Proving Ground. If you have not seen our scenario-based training videos, make sure you sign up for USCCA em[…]
Continue Reading →The Speed Reload
The speed reload is something everyone needs to learn to do effectively. In simple terms, this is the fastest possible reload once you have run your magazine empty. In a deadly force incident, the abi[…]
Continue Reading →Listen to Your Gut…
Everyone has experienced that vague feeling that something “just isn’t right,” only to discover that there really was a reason for it. In his now-classic work, The Gift of Fear: Surv[…]
Continue Reading →How Safe is Your Safe?
Quality craftsmanship is something to be admired, whether it’s to be found in a vehicle, a clock, a firearm or a safe. And I have been nothing but in absolute awe of the beauty and the quality o[…]
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