USCCA Firearms & Self-Defense Blog
Home Protection
Be prepared to protect your home with whatever means necessary — be it an alarm system, guard dog or firearm — with a surplus of resources and detailed articles on how to ensure you and your family are prepared in the event of a home invasion.
Recent Home Protection Articles
Clearing a Home Is Risky Business
Clearing a home. Like probably many of you, I cringe whenever I see this scene depicted in movies or on TV. You know the one: A man or woman is shown in semi-darkness, suddenly awakened in bed by a no[…]
Continue Reading →In the Clear: Are Handguns Really the Best?
If you’re a regular reader of my column in the USCCA’s weekly digital newsletter The Concealed Carry Report, you may have picked up on the fact that when I discuss AR-15s or other defensive rifles, it[…]
Continue Reading →Self-Defense, Not ‘Stuff’ Defense
Do not use your gun for anything except defense against an imminent deadly threat. The goal of true self-defense is to create enough dysfunction in your attacker that you can escape safely. If you can[…]
Continue Reading →Defend This House … of Worship
Look around. Take it all in. Where are the exits? Where are the choke points if people start to panic? What provides cover? What provides concealment? If someone walked in and started shooting, where […]
Continue Reading →The Great Home-Defense Debate: Shotgun vs. AR-15 vs. Pistol
The only thing more complicated than the Great Caliber Debate is the Great Home-Defense Debate. What should you use to defend hearth and home? Is there a perfect gun for home defense? Here’s something[…]
Continue Reading →Bright Ideas: Tactical Movement in the Dark
A friend of mine loves to joke about tactical stuff. He’ll joke about how guns are dangerous and how he feels much safer with a “tactical whistle” or “tactical flashlight.” He thinks he’s funny, askin[…]
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