As for my Self-Defense Awakening moment, don’t think I have had one. In my adventure of life I have had multiple times that I have had my senses tell me something is not right. This has been since I can remember about the past 50 some years. Be it my home town of Chicago or when I was in the Miami area to my time in the service to travels for fun & work and 35 yrs of a husband and father. I have always been the guy with a knife, flashlight, keys, tootsie pop, anything I felt would help in giving me the upper hand in a need to protect myself or others. Firearms have been a part of the family since before they came to the US.
I was 8 when I shoot in a under 10 competition and finished 5th of 40, just happen to be at a fair and my dad put me in. when I was 16 I got my own shotgun to go hunting with my friends (at Sears) a few years later got my 1st handgun that I would have for the next 10 yrs, sometime even used it in an official capacity in the military. So why did I buy a gun, it’s a tool that is useful for what is needed, that can be a rattle snake next to a friend or hunting for food or protection, sometimes its just fun to go to the range a shot. I have done the ballistic evaluation for DOJ, I have done personal armed protection, and helped friend learn ways to protect them self with and without firearm. It was not until the summer of 2020 that I used my concealed carry to the point I do now, at any given time I will have something on me or nearby, that being said I live in a safe area, country setting, but you just don’t know anymore. I started with USCCA about 2018, friend who has been with USCCA almost from the start was with a group of friends and was hearing about folks that got into legal issues and the cost to getting it taken care off, that was nice, but I like the learning side, you never known what new way you can find to help yourself as you get older. I teach the kids about tools (be it a bow, bb gun or knives) they need to know how to handle it what to do or who to get when we are not supervised by a Mom.
Thank you for what you do for all of us.
Would like to do the video at a later time